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Vote! - Helping Moms Get Down To Business. Logo Company The Momtrepreneur Maven
Founded: 03/22/2009
City: Chicago, Illinois
Country: United States
CEO: Jill Salzman
Founders: Jill Salzman
Category: Other Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: meetups, exchange, mom entrepreneurs, momtrepreneurs, mompreneurs Employees: 1

What does The Momtrepreneur Maven do?

My startup organizes meetups for momtrepreneurs around the country (and possibly overseas soon). Momtrepreneur Exchanges™ are real, live and local monthly meetings where mom entrepreneurs can exchange, connect and learn from one another. Incredible women who are also neighbors meet up to swap start-up stories, interact with renowned business experts, and build personal and professional connections within the ever-growing network of mom-owned businesses.

How are they different?

There is no free meetup available to mom entrepreneurs right now, anywhere.

Why could The Momtrepreneur Maven be BIG?

Upon starting my local Momtrepreneur Exchange, I thought there would be 5 other women with the same, common interests (raising kids, running her own business). It took only 9 months to realize that there were 200+ of us. With that incredible figure, I realized that there must be momtrepreneurs all over the country with a strong desire to come together and share stories, educate each other, and help build business. Turns out it is so–we’re everywhere.

How they plan to make money:

It is my hope that momtrepreneurs never have to pay for services/products offered through Momtrepreneur Exchanges. Once membership increases enough, I hope that advertisers will find a major network of women with strong purchasing power in their households–and that they start paying attention to us.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
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