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Vote! - Helping friends when it's needed most Logo Company
Founded: June 2008
City: Indianapolis, Indiana
Country: United States
CEO: Fran Kandrac, President
Founders: Aimee Kandrac & Fran Kandrac
Category: Social Networking Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: Employees: 2-5

What does do?

WhatFriendsDo is a webtool to coordinate care, support and help for a friend going through a serious illness or life-changing event. Whenever someone is going through a crisis, everyone wants to help; this site provides tools for communication and help, along with guidance and suggestions.

How are they different?

WhatFriendsDo is a “take action” site. The site includes blog, guestbook and photos, which allow two way communication. Additionally, the calendar feature enables friends and family to help in the specific ways their friend needs. The PayPal feature allows for donations when financial assistance is needed. Tips for what to say/not to say, do/not to do are included in What Friends Need to Know. What Friends Do for Cheer offers ideas for getting in touch and staying in touch. Suggestions are posted monthly for group events, both practical and whimsical. Daily cheer ideas celebrate special activities with instructions for making any day special.

Why could be BIG?

The concept of helping a friend in need is nothing new; pulling everyone together in one spot, on the internet, is what people are ready for and expecting. Today’s society is very mobile and counts on staying in touch instantly, but does not always know what to do and how to respond in difficult situations. is a one-stop-site to obtain information as well as provide support for a friend in need. Because a team can be created instantly people do not have to figure out how to do this on their own. The market is huge, as nobody is exempt from life challenges, and when a crisis occurs, everyone wants to communicate and help – it’s what friends do.

How they plan to make money:

Our original business model assumed revenue through ad clicks, affiliate purchases and sponsorships. We are in the process of implementing co-branding; an organization’s look and feel overlaying our technology.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:

2 Responses to “ – Helping Friends When It’s Needed Most”

  1. Jim Lemons says:

    Fantastic site – can change the world

  2. Nancy Ralston says:

    Here is a vote for WhatFriendsDo!Incredible help for anyone who does not know what to do-what is appropriate to do or even how to do what can be done in cases of illnesses or death of friends and family.




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