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Vote! - Tell Congress how to vote for you & then track if they do it or not! Logo   Company Visible Vote
  Founded: 07/01/2009
  City: Chicago, Illinois
  Country: United States
  CEO: Paul Everton
  Founders: Paul Everton, Frank Robles, Steven Trac
Category: Mobile Apps   Funding: Angel
Tags: government, public policy, Congress, advise Congress, voting app   Employees: 2-5

What does Visible Vote do?

Voters can tell Congress how to vote on specific bills & track if they do it or not. There is also a back-end portal that can be used for congressional campaigns, legislative offices and state political parties to use to express their viewpoints on bills, conduct custom polls, and accept donations via handheld device.

How are they different?

As the largest political voting app, Visible Vote is the only app to track your legislators votes and compare them to yours. For example, our app will tell you that Senator John Doe has agreed with you 90% of the time. 96% of our users say they will use our app to decide whom to vote for in November.

Why could Visible Vote be BIG?

Our current numbers: more than 165,000 users, more than 1.7 million votes sent to Congress, more than 20 congressional campaigns have registered with our portal. As our numbers grow, the voter’s voice becomes even more powerful. Legislators will have no choice but to take the votes from our app into serious consideration, and then will be expected to explain when they do NOT vote with the majority of their constituents.

How they plan to make money:

Visible Vote sells licenses of its software outside of the political environment to organizations/companies in order for them to poll employees, issue major news announcements or even run internal elections.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:


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