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Vote! - A completely new way to predict how people will perform in teams. Logo   Company The Gabriel Institute
  Founded: 2001
  City: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  Country: United States
  CEO: Dr. Janice Presser
  Founders: Dr. Janice Presser, Dr. Jack Gerber
Category: Other   Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: hiring assessment, employee assessment, human performance, team performance, performance improvement, human infrastructure   Employees: 6-15

What does The Gabriel Institute do?

TGI created Role-Based AssessmentTM (RBA), a completely new way to predict how a person will behave when working with others to benefit their group, overcome a challenge, or achieve a common goal. In other words, RBA provides a positive I.D. on real team-players.

RBA is an online assessment; reports are generated and delivered within seconds following completion of the test.

How are they different?

Over 25 year years ago, two behavioral scientists decided to pursue a single question: ‘What happens when people team together, and can it be measured?” The result was TGI Role-Based Assessment.

RBA is used for screening, hiring & promoting employees, works extremely well in matching people to the functional mission of their team, and is also effective in analyzing and solving team performance problems.

In contrast, ‘personality tests’ were designed (in the 1940’s & 50’s) to measure characteristics or traits of an individual–not team interaction. Personality tests are very well documented, but do not predict how people will actually behave on a team.

Why could The Gabriel Institute be BIG?

TGI has established a significant presence in the global dialogue on Human Infrastructure, which is elevating the ‘people function’  from an industrial-age concept of people as abstract units of value (i.e., ‘resources’ or ‘capital’) to a new level of understanding in which the value of a person’s contribution is determined by the ability to connect, integrate, and interoperate with others. Since RBA is currently the only way to measure the human synergy of ‘teaming’, we expect this trend to drive accelerating demand for TGI products. (Note: try Googling the words coherent human infrastructure.)

RBA measures critical components of human behavior– ‘teaming characteristics’–which have not been directly reportable through any other form of testing.

Personality testing (Myers-Briggs, DiSC, etc.) and knowledge & skills tests have dominated this $2B/year U.S. market for decades. Meanwhile–despite extensive use of testing–organizations experience ongoing cost of hiring errors, high turnover, and human performance failings. We are finding strong receptivity to RBA as ‘a new way to know’.

RBA has been generally available online since June of 2009, and already we have customers ranging from the Hewlett Packard, the DEA, and the State of Montana, to health-care, education, nonprofit and corporate clients on five continents.

RBA’s technology infrastructure is designed for rapid scalability, and an annuity-type commission plan for TGI referral partners is facilitating rapid growth of our sales network (currently 77 partners).

How they plan to make money:

TGI transitioned from R&D mode to early-stage revenue generation in Q4 2009. Revenue is derived almost exclusively from sale of RBA reports, and have been ramping up in 2010. June was our first month of solidly profitable operation.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:

9 Responses to “ – Predict How People Will Perform In Teams.”

  1. Phil Schieber says:

    There have been practically no new assessment paradyms introduced for more than 25 years. This assessment process is more comprehensive, easier to take and accurate. PhilS

  2. Dr. Janice Presser is the most insightful, brilliant, perceptive person I know. Her company, TGI, and the assessments that they produce are the BEST in the world! There is nothing else out there like it! They created the most detailed, in-depth and most accurate assessment on the market.

  3. Kathi Brown says:

    I’m all about saving time and money. I would love for a company to find a suitable employee match for our needs. Since boat motor technicians are hard to find and honesty, dependability and good work ethic is just as equally difficult to come by, someone doing the leg work in advance would be ideal.

  4. Great assessment tool. Definitely a winner in the market place.

  5. Dick says:

    I do NOT like this direction for assessment tests. It’s a very short walk from providing this test to HR to locking everyone who can’t get a passing grade completely out of entire job markets. Why should one small company get so much power over so many people’s jobs?

    • Mark Talaba says:

      I appreciate your concern, and would not want anything like that to happen. The thing is, other forms of employee assessment are already causing people to be ‘locked out’ of job opportunities–for the wrong reasons. Unlike a skills assessment, RBA is not a ‘pass or fail’ test, and it often creates (rather than limits) job opportunity. In one company, an under-appreciated (and nearly invisible) Purchasing Manager was able to move up to the Sales Director job. This management decision was based entirely on RBA. 5 years later, the person was made the Chief Operating Officer. People naturally like to do what they do best, and they do their best when the things they are doing are understood and appreciated by others. RBA can make the workplace a better place to work.

      • John A. Vigna says:

        Agree with Mark, the individual assesment approach (of HR and Recruiters) identifies individual skills and capabilities but fails to consider interrelationships and the dynamics of a changing envionment.

        Too much Hiring and Organization dynamics rely on Functional Excellence which ends up disconnecting and sub optimizing the total organization. Nothing like a CFO that has Functional Excellence and takes a company through Bankruptcy.

        For the same reason when a CIO works for a CFO, and the company can do financial reporting but fails to provide managerial insight into company performance.

        This is a first attempt at creating organization insights and awareness and where leadership traits are emerging. And creating the team concept..


  6. Bob says:

    I have utilized several different assessment tools over the years, and this is probably the most comprehensive and effective tool of them all. If you’re truly looking to uncover hidden potential in a candidate, on top of aspects of teaming and coherence, RBA provides you with the reporting that will bring to light those capabilities that might not be seen otherwise.

  7. Coley Brown says:

    Matching people, assignments, and roles has a number of innovative applications. This can be a winner on a number of fronts.




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