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Vote! - Sports Recruiting Social Networking Website Logo Company SoSportz, LLC
Founded: 2010
City: Richmond, Texas
Country: United States
CEO: Chris Taylor
Founders: Chris Taylor
Category: Social Networking Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: athletes, social networking, recruiting, coaches, free Employees: 6-15

What does SoSportz, LLC do?

Finding the right mix of talented athletes to build a successful team is the bottom line in any sports program. Time, manpower, and budget constraints limit every coach in making contacts with potential players. I’m excited to introduce a new opportunity to maximize coaches ability to find and connect with the vast pool of young talent around the country, athletes gaining free exposure to college coaches, and fans to be part of a great sports social networking community.

How are they different? will be launching in August and we use our blog,, to help athletes until the website is launched. With the CEO/Founder being a professional athlete, he knows what these athletes are going through and is passionate about making a difference in their lives. Of course you have to make money to run a business and stay in business, but if we can get one kid to college, our dream and their dream has come true.

Why could SoSportz, LLC be BIG?

Athletes going to college to play sports will be around forever. Having the opportunity to get FREE exposure to every college in the country while being in a social networking community makes SoSportz potential BIG! SoSportz can be the vehicle through which thousands of student-athletes showcase their talents and coaches discover talented athletes to make their dreams become a reality

How they plan to make money:

SoSportz will make money through online advertising. SoSportz will never charge athletes to gain exposure to take their education and talent to the collegiate level.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:



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