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Vote! – Self-Service Mobile Marketing

Posted by admin On May - 27 - 2010 - Self-service mobile marketing Logo Company Ruxter
Founded: 11/03/2008
City: Kansas City, Missouri
Country: United States
CEO: John Epperson
Founders: John Epperson, Mike Craig
Category: Mobile (Other) Funding: Angel
Tags: mobile web, mobile marketing, mobile internet, apps, retail marketing, SMS, texting Employees: 2-5

What does Ruxter do?

Ruxter is an online application providing small businesses and organizations free and easy access to self-service mobile marketing.

Following the free registration, users gain access to the Ruxter Site Builder application, a easy-to-use template allowing a mobile-optimized website to be quickly created using an organization’s own text, graphics and links.

A Ruxter Site Owner’s mobile website can be viewed on any mobile device with a browser. When combined with our low-cost integrated texting capability, this allows Ruxter users to quickly launch a mobile marketing campaign for their business and begin reaching their customers with mobile coupons, news, and events sent directly to their mobile phones.

Ruxter gives anyone the power of the mobile web and permission-based mobile marketing, simply and at low cost.

How are they different?

Traditional mobile marketing has been dominated by apps, agency-driven mobile campaigns, and custom mobile web development. None of these fit the needs of the over 25 million small businesses in the U.S. This market has been underserved by low-cost mobile marketing tools. Ruxter fills this gap by giving anyone access to a free mobile-optimized website and low-cost texting for a simple, low-cost mobile marketing campaign.

Why could Ruxter be BIG?

Ruxter follows the ‘freemium’ model of online applications providing a simplified and low-risk entry into mobile marketing for small businesses and not-for-profit organizations. This low barrier-to-entry service, combined with the lightweight aspects of mobile sites; allow Ruxter to scale from launch to substantial traffic and volume without large investments in IT and staffing.

How they plan to make money:

Ruxter’s revenue is derived from multiple sources: first, from bulk text/SMS sales to individual Ruxter site owners, secondly, from the Ruxter Mobile Advertising Platform, which allows Ruxter sites to extend their reach through hyper-local mobile advertising. Lastly, Ruxter provides modular “Expedite Mobile Startup” tiers of service providing new customers with site development and mobile marketing assistance.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:



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