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Vote! - Virtual Lab Management: Create, Snapshot and Share your machines in the cloud Logo Company LabSlice
Founded: 06/01/2010
City: Toronto, Non-US
Country: Canada
CEO: Simon Ellis
Founders: Simon Ellis
Category: Web Apps/Tools/Widgets Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: Virtual Lab Management, Virtual Demos, Cloud computing, Amazon EC2 management Employees: 2-5

What does LabSlice do?

LabSlice is a Virtual Lab Management solution built on top of Amazon EC2. We extend the Amazon cloud to create a self-service, policy controlled and shareable cloud environment.

How are they different?

Virtual Lab Management is a very new domain in Cloud Computing. Our aim is to make Virtual Lab Management a viable technology for sales engineers and IT professionals who are looking for cheap, scalable and available cloud computing infrastructure. We differ from the competition because we use Amazon EC2 for the back-end infrastructure provisioning, which allows us to be more scalable and cheaper than any of our competitors.

Why could LabSlice be BIG?

We can help:

* Sales engineers to increase sales, by allowing them to send demo environments of their enterprise software, simply by sending an email. Easier sharing of virtual images will translate into happier customers and more sales!

* IT managers to reduce costs, by moving their lab environments to the cloud, to gain benefits from the low costs and high scalability offered by large cloud providers such as Amazon EC2.

How they plan to make money:

We plan to charge a small fee for monthly usage of the service. We currently expect to make a profit even if our charges are as low as $1 per user per month.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:


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