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Vote! – Green/Sustainable Online Shop

Posted by admin On June - 14 - 2010 - Green/Sustainable Online Shop Logo Company Kuuala
Founded: 08/01/2009
City: Montreal, Non-US
Country: Canada
Founders: Mikael Cho, Cory Laing, Tom Waloszek
Category: eCommerce Funding: Seed/Friends & Family
Tags: kuuala, green cleaning products, LED lights, LED light, technology, clean tech Employees: 6-15

What does Kuuala do?

Kuuala is an online marketplace for sustainable products. Our goal is to guide customers to truly green products.

How are they different?

Buying green is not easy. We do the research so you don’t have to!

By pairing with sustainable ratings like Lighting Facts, EnergyStar, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), Green Seal, and EPEAT, we ensure that all of our products in our inventory are the most green, sustainably manufactured, and energy efficient.

Why could Kuuala be BIG?

Creating a green office or home is no longer considered a passing fad. Many individuals and businesses understand the importance of buying green.

There is an increasing demand for sustainable products and we want to help people buy responsibly.

How they plan to make money:

We supply the products that help people achieve their green goals. Sustainable purchasing not only helps the environment, but it saves money.

Buying green feels better and we are here to help!

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:


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