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Vote! - Marketplace of Engineering Problems Logo Company Industrial Interface, Inc.
Founded: 02/11/2009
City: San Diego, California
Country: United States
CEO: T. Brian Jones
Founders: T. Brian Jones, Chris Powell, Derek Adesso, Travis Leleu
Category: Other Funding: Bootstrapping
Tags: Manufacturing, Engineering, Sales, Technical, Medical, Electronic, Aerospace, Defense, Marketplace Employees: 6-15

What does Industrial Interface, Inc. do? is for the Manufacturing industry, connecting engineering problems with engineering solutions. Through our up-and-running website, engineers post their design problems and industrial suppliers pay a fee for the opportunity to solve them. This collaborative process allows engineers to quickly find multiple solutions for their designs and allows suppliers to concentrate their time and money on relevant and qualified sales leads for their business.

How are they different?

Engineers have to search through online directories that resemble yahoo from the late 90’s with hierarchical search. This limits the solutions that engineers find to larger companies with big marketing budgets and to solutions that they know about. gives suppliers access to the problems that engineers are working on via a free detailed profile. When engineers put problems in front of many technical salespeople, they are exposed to more innovative solutions without spending weeks contacting multiple suppliers.

Benefits for Engineers include:
1. Ability to decide whether to Buy a component instead of designing from scratch(Time/Money).
2. Cycle Time Reduction: Finding more vendors in less time. (Time/Money/Better Products)
3. Error Reductions: Standardized forms provide consistent communication to relevant suppliers. (Time/Money)
4. No reliance on Tribal knowledge: All Qualcomm engineers have access to a history of projects. (Consolidation of Suppliers)

Why could Industrial Interface, Inc. be BIG?

No one has taken this antiquated industry into the 21st century. The space is dominated by Online Media companies that charge exorbitant amounts of money for advertising while not providing any real innovation to how the industry functions as a whole.

Online advertising in the manufacturing industry is a multi-billion dollar/year space. If you add up all of the inefficiencies that our displacing technology/roadmap can solve, the market becomes tens of billions of dollars.

We are solving real problems that engineers and suppliers face everyday. Our website could help companies realize dramatically higher ROIs and shorten time from design to production. We are already seeing this happen within our small customer basis.

How they plan to make money:

We make money many different ways:

1. Provide co-branded email marketing to technical supply companies trying to gain more business from their contact database. This allows suppliers to invite all of their engineers to our site. – Currently in revenue from this model.
2. Charge suppliers a per lead fee or subscription fee to view contact information for engineers within our site. – Currently in revenue from this model
3. Charge suppliers for CRM/Project management features that allow them to collaborate on projects with colleagues and keep internal notes about projects. – Future revenue opportunity
4. Charge engineering organizations for CRM/Vendor management capabilities. This feature allows engineers to invite their suppliers to their Industrialinterface network of colleagues. – Future revenue opportunity

Together, revenue models 1 and 4 lead to both sides of the market inviting their counterparts, creating virility.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
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