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Vote! - New vehicle negotiator and research/comparison/pricing site Logo Company From Car to Finish
Founded: 12/30/2009
City: Rockville, Maryland
Country: United States
CEO: Michael Rabkin
Founders: Michael Rabkin
Category: Other Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: From Car to Finish, new vehicle, negotiation, negotiate, car, suv, van, pickup truck, sports car, luxury car, sedan, coupe, wagon, minivan, information, research, tips, how to buy a vehicle, best, deal savvy, experienced, smart, best deal, help, one stop shopping, compare, make, models, style, year, we do it all, do it for me, we do it for you, complete, comprehensive, dealer fees, add ons, secret fees, document fee, processing fee, holdback, advertising, profit, incentives, rebates, special financing, specifications, look up, guaranteed, confirmed, lowest, Employees: 1

What does From Car to Finish do?

From Car to Finish helps individuals and organizations by taking the haggle and hassle out of buying a new vehicle, to save our clients both time and money. Our website offers tools and advice to help you research, compare, and price new vehicles, and our main service actually negotiates the price of your new vehicle for you, so that you don’t have to.

How are they different?

First, most if not all websites give cookie cutter advice when it comes to buying a new vehicle. Because From Car to Finish has successfully negotiated over 7500 new vehicles for 17+ years, our advice is based on tactics/strategies that actually work (and with our lowest price guarantee, they have to work for us to stay in business).

Second, we actually have a national new vehicle negotiating service that creates a customized report with confirmed bids on a case by case basis, as opposed to pre-negotiated quotes from some website or organization that has a relationship with a few specific dealers in your area, who may not be giving you the best deal the market will bear. From Car to Finish works for you, the customer, as your advocate. We make sure at least the lowest quote is confirmed it writing before sending you a report, and once you receive it, will answer any questions or concerns you have about the report, the dealers, or any other items you may have, to make sure you are understanding and utilizing the report in an optimal way.

Why could From Car to Finish be BIG?

There are many sites that give advice/research/pricing/comparison tools to help you choose or negotiate a new vheicle, and some sites claim to negotiate for you. Only From Car to Finish offers it all on one comprehensive site. Our employees are also very knowledgeable about the auto industry, and can help you to whittle down your choices and give other common sense advice from before and after the sale when it comes to new vehicle purchases, as well as how to handle a trade-in.

How they plan to make money:

The negotiating service charges a flat fee per negotiation, and the free information on the website has google ads.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
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