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Vote! - Directory of Professional Service Providers Logo Company BrightMap
Founded: 01/01/2010
City: New York, New York
Country: United States
CEO: Graham Lawlor
Founders: Graham Lawlor, Todd Sundsted
Category: Social Networking Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: social, directory, b2b, professional, lawyer, accountant, designer, developer Employees: 2-5

What does BrightMap do?

BrightMap is a directory of professional service providers (lawyers, accountants, designers, developers, recruiters, writers, consultants, etc). It helps you find service providers based on references from companies you already work with.

How are they different?

BrightMap is a “social network” of companies – companies have profiles and connect to their clients and vendors. This allows you to see the most commonly used lawyer among companies you know, for example.

Why could BrightMap be BIG?

If you ask entrepreneurs how they found their lawyer (or accountant, designer, developer, etc) they will almost invariably tell you “I asked my friend who owns a similar company who they use”. Word of mouth is by far the predominant way of connecting with professional service providers. But there is no way of searching this “social graph of companies” without contacting people individually. BrightMap lets you do just that. It’s a super efficient way of connecting with the best service providers based on references from people and companies you already know.

How they plan to make money:

1) An internal advertising network
2) An internal lead-generation network
3) Premium profiles

Our thoughts:

Great company! Can certainly see the need for a service like this in the marketplace.
Please visit their website to learn more:

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