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Vote! - Grow and Manage your online reputation Logo Company Brand-Yourself
Founded: 2008
City: Syracuse, New York
Country: United States
CEO: Pete Kistler
Founders: Pete Kistler, Patrick Ambron, RJ Sherman, Evan Watson
Category: Marketing/Advertising Funding: Angel
Tags: Social media tools, online reputation, personal brand, SEO Employees: 6-15

What does Brand-Yourself do?

Brand-Yourself empowers individuals to grow and manage their online reputation. People make decisions based on what they find on the web. We make it easy to create the content you want people to find and make sure its found by the right people in the right places to foster opportunity.

We help individuals grow their own reputations and small businesses grow their company’s reputation by leveraging the brands of their individual employees

How are they different?

The solutions for individuals today are purely reactive, concentrating on protecting reputation and removing negative results. Similarly, the social solutions for business focus on managing and monitoring reputation. However most individuals and most small businesses suffer from NO presence at all, and only brand-yourself offers the tools that allows them to actually create and promote positive content, not just monitor it.

Why could Brand-Yourself be BIG?

Online Reputation is becoming something everyone needs. 80 million names are Googled every single day, 75% of HR departments are required to research candidates online, and half of buying decisions are influenced by a Google search, a company blog or a social media recommendation.

Brandyourself is the only solution that makes it easy to build, optimize and promote a reputation on the web.

How they plan to make money:

In the 12 weeks since soft launch we already ARE making money. We operate under a standard SaaS model.

Individuals currently pay up to $25/mo for access to our full system. They start with a free trial.
*online sales pipe: (reach 35K people a month)
*Bulk licensing deals: Syracuse bought 6 month licenses for all 4100 graduating seniors. Many other university deals on the table.

Business subscriptions start at $350/mo and increase as they add employees and tools. We have two clients currently (just recently reached out to this market)

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:

One Response to “ – Grow and Manage Your Online Reputation”

  1. Dmitriy says:

    Thanks for the review! For everyday tips on improving your online reputation, make sure to check out our blog at



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