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Archive for April, 2010

Discovering Startups First Monthly Winner: Media Bright!

Posted by admin On April - 30 - 2010

Discovering Startups would like to congratulate Media Bright as our first monthly Best-Of Discovering Startups award winner! They have had an exceptionally positive response in both votes of confidence from our readers, as well as in the comments left by the company and we are happy to showcase them as our first monthly winner for April.

For those who didn’t get a chance to read this blog post, Media Bright tackles the seemingly omnipresent problem at college campuses of matching prospective young interns with promising opportunities. The problem – like any job position later in life – is usually how to start or where to get your foot in the door. Media Bright mitigates that resistance, and provides a clear value proposition to both parties.

Congratulations Media Bright!

For more information, please visit their website at:

As part of our first announcement, we’d also like to point out that there will be additional awards given out for the April contest on Saturday and Sunday respectively. The May contest will commence on Monday 5/3.

This is a quick post to let all of our readers know that the April contest will end tonight (4/29) at midnight, and the winners will be announced tomorrow (4/30)!

Since we just launched the voting/competition component this month, we realized early that there were some deep flaws in the model since companies who were reviewed later in the month (especially those reviewed yesterday), were inherently disadvantaged. We do apologize for not anticipating this, and assure our readers that we will be announcing changes for the next month’s contest. However, we will keep this month as originally stipulated in  the rules, since we feel it is even more unfair to change the rules of a live competition mid-stream.

That being said, we are so proud of the overwhelming response from all of our readers and are excited to announce the winners (yes there will be additional prizes given) of our first month’s contest. Thank you for all of the support and get your last votes in! ( – Empower Yourself

Posted by admin On April - 28 - 2010 - Empower Yourself Logo Company Reflect
Founded: August 2008
City: West Hollywood, California
Country: United States
CEO: Caroline Yacu
Founders: Drew & Caroline Yacu (Brother and Sister Team)
Category: eCommerce Funding: Bootstrapping
Tags: affirmations, law of attraction, the secret, pursuing your dreams, create your reality, clothing, t-shirts, motivation, personal development Employees: 2-5

What does Reflect do?

Reflect motivates people who are ready for change through fun, easy and creative ways. Providing unique products and services to keep people consistently focused on their goals, Reflect is committed to supporting people as they passionately pursue their dreams.

How are they different?

Reflect creates products and services that are innovative and impact the individual on a personal level. A flagship product is our clothing, which features positive affirmations written in reverse, revealed in a reflection. This powerful message seen throughout the day motivates the individual to keep focus on their goals. Success Notes is our popular service that delivers daily, personalized text messages to subscribers’ phones as another consistent reminder of their dreams. Reflect places emphasis on repetition and consistency in ways that make it fun and convenient for the consumer!

Why could Reflect be BIG?

Imagine a world of people passionately pursuing their dreams, with the resources, community, and lifestyle that supports them in doing so. That is where Reflect fits in. We make it fun and easy for people to achieve the success they have been striving for!

How they plan to make money:

Selling our products and services online at, and also selling through retail outlets like spas, salons, gyms, yoga studios, boutiques, etc. We also sell to businesses and organizations to motivate their employees and teams with unique Reflect affirmations, which can be customized for their needs.

Our thoughts:

Love the positive spin!
Please visit their website to learn more: – With Motion In Mind

Posted by admin On April - 28 - 2010 - With Motion In Mind Logo Company Kinekt Design
Founded: Feb-5-2010
City: Livingston, New Jersey
Country: United States
CEO: Overall Business Contact: Andy. We are all co-ceos.
Founders: Glen Liberman, Rachel Liberman & Andy Pate
Category: Other Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: Employees: 2-5

What does Kinekt Design do?

Kinekt Design seeks to bring you forward-thinking design objects and products that fuse together a modern aesthetic with tangible interaction. Please view our 30 second video on our website to get a better idea/understanding of our first product.

How are they different?

Our first product the Gear Ring is very unique. We believe we are the first company to introduce the concept of moving gears to jewelry. We have numerous patents pending on the gear ring, both design and utility and will vigorously defend those IP rights. Please view our 30 second video on our website to get a better idea/understanding of the Gear Ring.

Why could Kinekt Design be BIG?

This could be big because of the demographic communities we cater to: the wedding and engagement ring community, the high school or college graduation community, the automobile and motorcycle community, the engineering community. Our first product caters to both men & women.

How they plan to make money:

We plan to make money by selling our products. We hope we are able to do this in an efficient manner where expenses do not match or exceed revenues. We will need to balance Inventory/supply chain vs marketing/advertising spend. This is our first year and we realize we need to create awareness but at the same time be fiscally responsible.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more: – The Education CD for Moms to Be

Posted by admin On April - 28 - 2010 - The Education CD for Moms to Be Logo Company The Baby CD
Founded: July 2006
City: Barrington, Illinois
Country: United States
CEO: Timothy Kelley
Founders: Timothy Kelley
Category: Marketing/Advertising Funding: Seed/Friends & Family
Tags: Pregnancy, Baby, Education Employees: 6-15

What does The Baby CD do?

The Baby CD is an educational interactive tool designed to engage new moms in a doctor approved format from concetion through the first year. The CD contains charts, graphs, videos, text, stories, check lists, facts, and interactive calendars to keep the mom fulfilled and educated. The average age of a new mom is 26 years of age. This iPod generation does not want the typical bag of pamphlets and adverts to shuffle through. The CD is completely dynamic by connecting to our Content Management System. If we update any information, it is autmatically changed on the users CD. The CD is only handed out to be a high value invitation to get higher utilization.

How are they different?

There are a few differentiators to consider in this model. First, we customize the CD for the practice to gain their undying support. Customization includes adding their pictures and bios, medical forms, maps to locations, recommended pediatricians, practice survey, and marketing of additional services. We even print a customized surface to the CD which give the practice a feeling of ownership and pride. The practice apporves the CD as a resource for their patients. This is our method of getting into moms with high utilization.

The second major differentiator that separates us is the support of the best content providers in the business to give us credibility. Our content providers include Discovery Channel, Laugh and Learn, Preeclampsia Foundation, Harvard Common Press, Abbott, Sanofi Pasteur, and March of Dimes. We strive to offer the best information available to moms in one single source. There is comprehensive medical information, and many other topics ranging from Stem Cell information to how to buy the new family car.

Why could The Baby CD be BIG?

The Baby CD is only handed to pregnant patients makes the targeting nearly 100% without wastage. The pharma mandates have now eliminated any distribution of materials that is not on an education platform. The Baby CD is a Trojan horse for companies trying to reach moms early in their term with the support of the healthcare provider. No other medium can reach a mom this early with such a trusted source. The reason why this will be bigger than just another clever method of reaching new moms, The Baby CD has now added the power of recording Full Motion ultrasounds to the CD. Recording ultrasounds for moms as a service went out many years back due to medicolegal issues. This caused most practices to abolish video and only hand out thermal still pictures. The Baby Ray from the Baby CD is simple to use software that will connect to any OEM ultrasound, receive the diagnostic quality study and convert it into a Flash video file for sharing with friends, family and social networks.

How they plan to make money:

The Baby CD source of revenue is through sponsorship. We have many small to midsize sponsors. Our major sponsors include Safeway (O Organics line), P&G (Pampers), Sanofi Pasteur (Daptacel), Stem Cyte (cord blood recovery), and Abbott (Similac). Sponsors may provide educational content and have exclusivity on the CD. The business model is very elegant in that all stakeholders are winners. As we add more sponsors to over 200 baby categories, it is an incremental revenue center.

Our thoughts:

Very interesting product! Could easily see how parents would desperately need this, and the distribution channels make it very attractive (as well as the sponsorship piece) on the b-model side.
Please visit their website to learn more: – Experience The Elegance of Jewelry

Posted by admin On April - 28 - 2010 - Experience The Elagance Logo Company SaMore Designs Jewelry , LLC
Founded: 06/19/2008
City: Union, New Jersey
Country: United States
CEO: Tammy Leverett
Founders: Tammy Leverett Ron Wilson
Category: Other Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: Local, direct sale, internet Employees: 2-5

What does SaMore Designs Jewelry , LLC do?

Direct sale of fine sterling silver and fashionable jewelry for women. We have an assortment of sterling silver,stainless steel and Tungsten Carbide jewelry for men. We offer private home shopping for individuals or groups. One service we have introduced recently is, rental of jewelry for that special event in someones life. We are an exclusive provider of jewelry to fashion models and the fashion industry.

How are they different?

We have unique sterling silver jewelry with high regard to quality control. We offer customers a chance to rent jewelry as an option to purchasing. We also offer education to our customers regarding jewelry that we sale or jewelry a customer may have already.

Why could SaMore Designs Jewelry , LLC be BIG?

We have great products at affordable prices. We are starting an aggressive campaign of recruiting consultants in our immediate area of NJ/NY. Within the next 6 months to a year we have plans of extending our recruiting efforts to the southern states of the east coast.

How they plan to make money:

Continuing recruitment of consultants selling our jewelry accross the country while extending our jewelry line. Invest in more designs and manufacturing.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more: - Etiquette and social skills classes for kids, 'tweens, and teens!! Logo Company Pearls of Wisdom NYC
Founded: October 2009
City: New York CIty, New York
Country: United States
CEO: Kelsey Formost
Founders: Kelsey Formost
Category: Other Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: Etiquette, manners, social, skills, classes, local Employees: 1

What does Pearls of Wisdom NYC do?

Pearls of Wisdom NYC is a series of etiquette and social skills classes specifically designed for kids, ‘tweens, and teens! Our coach comes right to your home at a time designated by you teaching everything from table manners, to “NETiquette” (internet + etiquette), to how to have an effective confrontation with someone who is talking behind your back. We teach kids to have self confidence in every social situation- from a dinner party with adults, to partying with their friends.

How are they different?

There really isn’t anything like Pearls of Wisdom NYC out there…if you search for etiquette classes, you could find a stuffy cotillion or “Miss Manners” class that your child won’t relate to in the least. Pearls of Wisdom NYC presents learning manners as a matter of learning to respect yourself and the people around you in a way that is relevant to today’s younger population.

Why could Pearls of Wisdom NYC be BIG?

There are two main reasons Pearls of Wisdom NYC is going to be HUGE. First, again, because there’s absolutely nothing out there like it. The fact that we dare to teach social skills and not just traditional etiquette to this population makes us the only program of our kind. Second, because the material we teach is relevant to the population we’re dealing with and therefore is more likely to retain students interests as well as parents. Our material is designed and taught by young people, for young people and that makes all the difference.

How they plan to make money:

Our financial strategy is to begin by expanding our client list and number of classes we teach per month. In the coming months, we plan to expand into ebook that can be sold via our website, as well as a self-written children’s book that has been used as teaching material for the younger groups.

Our thoughts:

Certainly see a big need for this – however perhaps potential challenge is delicately getting around the issue of people who could benefit from your service not wanting to admit they need it.
Please visit their website to learn more: – communication made simple

Posted by admin On April - 27 - 2010 - communication made simple Logo Company SchKIDules
Founded: 01/01/2010
City: San ANtonio, Texas
Country: United States
CEO: Kelly Robinson
Founders: Kelly Robinson
Category: Other Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: visual schedules, autism, adhd, aspergers, toddlers, routines Employees: 1

What does SchKIDules do?

Provides improved custom made visual schedules to families who have kids that need them

How are they different?

Up until now visual schedules, while in high demand for families of special needs children and which work equally as well with typically developing toddlers, have been, for the most part “arts and crafts” projects. There is a wealth of literature behind their importance but then it has been left up to the parents and teachers to design and make their own. My Activity clock design is also brand new. There is nothing else out there like it and it is my best seller. My graphics are better and my magnetic system is superior to velcro or pockets anyday.

Why could SchKIDules be BIG?

This could be big because there are thousands of moms and teachers making these by hand because there simply is no affordable, customizable product to purchase. When people do find my site they love it and buy one instantly. I just dont have an advertising budget and the grass roots level is going slowly as I am also a working mom.

How they plan to make money:

Sell to schools, Doctors, occupational therapists and homes.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:
Company PrivateEyes
Founded: 12/19/2009
City: Charleston, South Carolina
Country: United States
CEO: Margaret Meeker Bjork
Founders: Margaret Meeker Bjork
Category: Digital Content (Blogs, Websites) Funding: Bootstrapping
Tags: Empowering, Women, Community Employees: 1

What does PrivateEyes do?

We are currently self funded, and are selling sassy, fun and empowering panties to create revenue for the business.

How are they different?

We tell the story of the “do everything” woman. We talk about the good days and the bad days, and how often times those are all rolled into the same day. We bring humor and levity to the real stresses of real women, and our goal is to help women realize they are not alone in their pressures and that there is whole world of women who want them to succeed

Why could PrivateEyes be BIG?

Nobody has really told this story. It is often told one dimensionally, so either you are house wife, a cougar, and corporate climber, a mom, but the reality we are all those things, and mostly we are tired, proud of our families, worried, and ferociously determined to make ourselves and our families successful. We are tough, and we are funny, but we also know that we have to hold it together, and that means we smile a lot, we support those who need to be supported, and we make everything okay. So we need somewhere to go to get what we need, which is confirmation that you are not crazy, that you did the best you could do, and that you are supported, and you can laugh at it.

How they plan to make money:

We are selling sassy, fun and empowering panties to create revenue for the business. Panties by PrivateEyes are a daily reminder you can do this and are strong enough to come out on top! Some of the expressions include “It’s Go Time,” “I have Brass Boobs,” and “My Bet is On Me,” designed to support women as their body armor during the best and hardest of days.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more: http:// – A Dynamic Enterprise Wiki

Posted by admin On April - 27 - 2010 - a dynamic enterprise wiki. We don't make as much noise as the big boys, but we have the goods. Logo Company eTouch SamePage
Founded: 2005
City: Fremont, California
Country: United States
CEO: Aniruddha Gadre
Founders: Aniruddha Gadre
Category: Other Funding: Self-Funded
Tags: enterprise 2.0, enterprise wikis, knowledge management, collaboration Employees: 16-30

What does eTouch SamePage do?

SamePage is a product of eTouch Systems, a leading provider of enterprise-class wiki solutions and consulting services that leverage technology solutions and help organizations share their collective knowledge, insights and creativity. SamePage is a scalable and dynamic wiki that enables its users to improve collaboration, save money and streamline decision making in a secure, well-supported environment. SamePage is used by medium and large enterprises around the world, including Alcatel-Lucent, NASA, Citrix, Hestia, Teradyne, Siemens, NY State Unified Court System and ADP, as well as by strategic partners, such as Cisco/WebEx and the AppExchange from

How are they different?

Key product differentiators:
• Security: Granular security at the instance, project and page level for both individuals and groups.
• Scalability: SamePage is one of the very few Wikis that can effectively cluster across multiple nodes without additional investment in databases, data centers etc:
• Integration with existing infrastructures: SamePage can integrate with LDAP’s and Single-Sign-On (SSO) mechanisms.
• Customization and Support: Since, SamePage is entirely homegrown, it can easily be customized and supported at customer sites.
• Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): As a direct result of the above factors, as well as the simplicity in administering SamePage, the TCO for SamePage is much lower than all other competing products.
• Fully customizable and extensible product
• Enterprise ready with a comprehensive feature set
• Lowers total cost of ownership for enterprise customers
• WYSIWYG Editor
• Import/Export functionality
• Completely customizable interface
• Support for international languages
• Integration with enterprise systems
• Analytics
• Conversion tools

Why could eTouch SamePage be BIG?

Enterprise 2.0 and social media behind the firewall is a huge topic in the media these days. Companies of all sizes are launching new products to capture the Facebook and Twitter excitement in an enterprise application. In a recent blog post, industry analyst Gil Yehuda wrote: “For some reason its [SamePage] not usually found on the short-list of many E2.0 vendor lists they dont make a lot of noise but they have goods.”

How they plan to make money:

SaaS and on-premise deployment sales drive the economies of this company.

Our thoughts:

No thoughts at the moment. Very interesting!
Please visit their website to learn more:

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Discovering Startups is a website that reviews startup companies for free on a daily basis. You - our readers - vote for your favorite technology startups. Those with the most votes at the end of each month, win a best-of award from us along with other great prizes.

We are proud to be able to showcase so many incredible startups and we hope you enjoy!



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